Sunday, August 31, 2008

"Portraits of Costa Rica #1"

"I remember one time when we were going through a difficult battle with the work here. Br. Orozco went into the church in the morning to pray over the situation, and didn't come out or have anything to eat all day. He stayed in there and continued to pray until 4:00 A.M. the following morning." That was one of the things that Sis. Carmen told me about the Orozcos, the Guatemalan missionaries serving in Costa Rica. My trip to Costa Rica really opened my eyes to the great workers that are serving down there. Both Br. Francisco and Sis. Aury Orozco, as well as Br. Rolando and Sis. Carmen Meneses (the young Costa Rican couple pastoring our main church), are wonderful couples doing an excellent job in their ministries. I had a couple of deep conversations with Rolando, and I can honestly say that I felt like I have a ways to go to reach his spiritual maturity. Please pray for both of these couples as they are ministering in Costa Rica.

The Orozcos

The Meneses