Monday, December 17, 2007

Belated Thanksgiving Pictures

We ate our first Thanksgiving meal on Tuesday with my family, and then we had a fun time playing games. My mom gave me a good reason to be thankful; she made ham instead of turkey (I am not a turkey fan!).

On Wednesday we drove down to North Carolina. My one aunt and uncle were the only ones that knew we were going down, so it was a nice surprise for my parents and grandparents. We enjoyed a delicious breakfast at my aunt's place on Thursday morning.

Grandma and Grandpa really seem to be enjoying their meal.

Grandpa has always been one of my heroes. He has not been doing well physically for several years now, so I'm thankful for every opportunity to let him spend time with his only great-grandchild.

I don't know which Devin enjoyed more: spending time with his second cousins or their dog.

We left to head back up to Pennsylvania at 5:30 A.M. on Friday morning to make it home in time for Thanksgiving with Missy's side of the family that afternoon. Devin isn't quite old enough to play "Sorry" with his cousins.


Down Blueberry Lane said...

Your little boy is growing up so fast. I love his red hair.