The rainy season is upon us in full force. They say that when it rains, it pours; that is certainly true for down here! Yesterday we got drenched on the way home from school. Today, it rained hard for a number of hours non-stop. They say that it will rain almost every day until close to the end of the year...I can't wait.
Thanks for stopping by! We are missionaries serving in Costa Rica under Evangelistic Faith Missions. My wife and I both graduated from Penn View Bible Institute, were married on June 4, 2005, and were blessed with our son Devin Alex on December 30, 2006. We created our blog as: 1) a way to share news, pictures, and prayer requests with our family and friends, and 2) a hobby. Hopefully you will enjoy your visit.
It's true. Phillip and I got soaked many a time while walking home from school there! =)
Gotta love the rainy season! :) Hope things are going well.
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