Thursday, May 21, 2009

Second Trimester

The second trimester is in full swing at language school, and things are going well. Missy and I both have new classes with new teachers, and both of us are very happy with both our classes and our teachers (I tried to think of a way to throw in a few more "boths," but the only thing that I could come up with was a parentheses about "boths," which would both explain so many "boths" and at the same time let me use "both" a few more times). Missy is taking two hours of grammar and two hours of language each day, and I am taking a two-hour translation class. Devin has gotten to the place where he gets excited almost every time we take him to daycare. So, thank the Lord for his help once again.

Alejandra, Missy's Grammar Teacher

Missy's Language Class (Teacher Eugenia 2nd From Left)

Ana, My Translation Teacher

My Studious Translation Class


mhunsaker said...

Sounds "fun." Hope it continues to go well for you.