This was our first full week of classes, and we are starting to get into the swing of things with language school. Classes begin at 7:30 and we get out at 1:00; there is a chapel break in the middle of the day. Devin has adjusted very well to his day care. It is so nice having him right there in the same location while we are studying.
After seven years of faithful service here in Costa Rica, Br. and Sis. Orozco returned to Guatemala at the beginning of the week. They were wonderful people whom God really used with the work here. Missy and I were privileged to attend a farewell party held in their honor. I was going to post pictures, but as I was trying to upload them, my computer completely erased all of our pictures (from before Christmas until now) off of our memory card. Unfortunately I had not copied any of them onto our computer yet, so they are a complete loss. Technology is nice, but sometimes it makes you want to cry.
We would appreciate your continued prayers for are safety. The crime rate here is continuing to climb, and we Americans are prime targets. Although murders or kidnappings are not all that common, armed robberies take place frequently. Already a couple of our classmates were held up at gunpoint in broad daylight.
5 days ago
I'm so glad to hear that you guys are doing well. we are praying for you. Missy if you ever need to chat eamil me. I know what you are going through
Hey, I've about cried about some of what technology does to us, too. Sorry you lost those photos.
We'll request prayer for you in light of the crime issue. I'm sure that as the global economic situation gets worse and unemployment and prices go up, things will be risky for any of us who go or live overseas. May the Lord grant you and your classmates protection and calm.
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