Sunday, June 15, 2008

Thanks, Dad

Missy and I have both been blessed with wonderful fathers. As I was thinking about what to write in this post to honor them, the thought came to me that a father can leave no greater legacy than that of raising a Christian family. Our dads have left that legacy; all of Missy's and my siblings are Christians. Thank you, Dad McDowell and Dad Susan, for being the best dads that anyone could ask for.

I was reminded as well this Father's Day of the huge responsibility that I have as a father. There is now a little boy in my own life who is following in my footsteps. My prayer is that God will help me to be the daddy to Devin that I should be.

P.S. We will be attending SIMO (Summer Institute for Missionary Orientation) for the next two weeks, so I will probably not be posting anymore until after that is finished.