Missy and I have been blessed with excellent teachers at our language school. They are all well qualified, but more importantly they take a genuine interest in their students.
Missy and I both have Dixiana for a teacher, although we are in different classes. Dixi pushes us hard and sometimes is tough, but it is for our own good.
And last but not least, Mecbell teaches my grammar class. She has a very outgoing personality and is a blast to be around. Our classes with her are never dull; no doubt those in surrounding classrooms can hear us dying laughing many times throughout the class period. This class is unique because all four of us students have a good Spanish background. We covered the first trimester of the grammar book in three weeks, and so we have a little extra time for some diversions.
OK, so these aren't teachers (thankfully), just two of my crazy classmates. Of course, I am always laid back, reserved, quiet, and quite mature. One nice thing about the language school is that they keep the classes small. The student body is well over 100, but many classes only have 3-5 students in them. These two girls are in both of my classes, and in this particular class I am the only guy in a room with these two and Dixiana. That's right, I can use some extra prayer.
sounds great. Keep up the good work.
Wow! Sounds like a really cool school. I'm happy to hear that things are going well. Take care!
I think the girls in your class are the ones in need of prayer :)
Dear Rex -- Don't let that last comment get you down. Probably BOTH sides need prayer!
Anyway, I'm glad to hear that you have good teachers that you like. Good teachers and classes make for good learning. I hope you both learn lots!
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