Monday, April 5, 2010

Church Picnic

A number of our people from the Paraiso church recently got together at a beautiful park for a church picnic. The park is actually an overlook where one can get an outstanding view of the river valley far below. Everyone had a great time playing games, eating, and fellowshipping. I even jumped rope and didn't break a leg.

I wish that I could capture the beauty of the Orosi Valley with a camera, but a picture just doesn't do it justice.

Costa Rica is a soccer country. We played a lively game of "futbol" before lunch.

This was Devin's first time on roller skates. I'm not sure whether he was impressed or not.

Carmen might be a pastor's wife but she enjoys a good time as much as anyone else.

Pastor Rolando (red shirt, black hat) was our grill-master and I must say that he did an outstanding job.

Jumping Rope