Can anyone give me any advice? My mother-in-law has told me that she will never again bake me an apple pie unless I promise to never give her anther "wet willy." I have never believed that it is right to give in to blackmail, but she makes a killer apple pie. I do have to be careful, because she could beat me to a pulp (you can see her bulging muscles in the tug-a-war picture). Any suggestions?
3 months ago
Don't give in - you know very well she will bake your wife a pie and your wife will share with you.
Welcome to the kingdom of blogdom! I see you are having mother-in-law difficulties too.
If you ever need any advice, I can help. I've had experience in this area. ;-)
Hey! So good to see you guys have a blog!! Congratulations on the baby! anyhow, keep posting!
congrats on Devin! welcome to blog world! this is a great way to keep in some contact with friends. yeah, life is great!!
hmmm another mother-in-law problem. This one is tricky. If I were you I would find an alternative to the wet willy (no suggestions as to what that should be). Chances are she would bake you and apple pie sometime but if she is serious a lifetime without a killer apple pie is a high price to pay for a wet willy. That's my two cents.
Just have to say "Congratulations!" I had no idea about the baby, but he is cuter :) Glad to see you guys are on the blog now. Hope things are going good for you. Keep encouraged!
Aaron, I know that it would be worth giving up the wet willys to get the apple pie, but it is the whole principle behind the black-mail issue. By the way, did you ever find a large mouth zipper for your mother-in-law?
Yes we found one big enough, XXL, but had problems with the installation. It's hard to sew it on while she is talking.
Hey, Rex and family, it was fun getting your comment on my new blog, and going to your blog. It's cute. Help us, I guess if I were you, I'd just quit giving wet willies if you want some of that good apple pie. OR, come visit us in Colombia, I bet my apple pie is JUST AS GOOD! SMILE! Take care,
Heather Dickinson
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