The last several days have been quite busy. We have eaten three Thanksgiving meals, spent around 17 hours on the road for a quick trip to North Carolina, gone rat hunting (more on that in a moment), and done other miscellaneous important and not so important things. At the moment we are caring for a very sick baby. Devin came down with something; he was running a fever of up to 103, and earlier this afternoon he had the chills really bad and then threw up. We are planning to head out tomorrow to Missy's brother's place, where we will be hunting. Those plans may change, depending on what happens with Devin.
I set a rat trap out a couple of days ago but have not caught our critter. However, there are plenty of signs that he is still very active. Since nothing else has worked, Missy's two brothers and dad came over last night and we went rat hunting. First we snuck around outside with .22s and a shotgun. Then we tore some skirting off of our trailer and shined our flashlights all around underneath it, but we didn't see anything. Then we went inside, set some bait out, and waited with a .22 and birdshot, but nothing happened. Although we weren't successful, but we had fun in the process.
My brother-in-law brought a 4-wheeler with him from Ohio. Can you believe that my dear mother-in-law refused to let me take her for a ride? I don't know why in the world she wouldn't; I was just trying to be nice.
1 month ago
I have a question. Did I read that you all are leaving to be missionaries in April? What will you do with your trailer? We plan to move up there in April and maybe could rent it? If it has 3 bedrooms, that is, AND you get rid of the rat or whatever is in there, ha ha.
Norma Watson
Oh my goodness.....I hope you catch that horrible critter soon. Sounds disgusting! I guess rats aren't only in Mexico!
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